Professional Services by Kevin Sallee

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™ is a statistical and GIS tool for Windows® written for ecologists and resource professionals.

Biotas has been designed to assist in the analysis and understanding of spatial and temporal data. Studies that can benefit from Biotas include, but not limited to, those dealing with wildlife, fisheries and plant or animal ecology. Functions include home range, habitat use, movements, nearest neighbors, spatial randomness tests and more.


Try Biotas For Free  -  Buy Now


If you have questions, or need help, please fill in the information in the contact form and submit the form.


To use software beyond the evaluation time period you must purchase a user's license.

Prices shown are for single user licenses only. There are multi-user discounts and site licenses available. Multi-user discounts and passwords are automatically provided if software is purchased online.

License Agreements

Software licenses are provided only as a Software as a Service (SAAS) agreement between you and the copyright holder of the software, and is not a sale of the software as a product. In all cases, the most current End User License Agreement (EULA -- see below) for the software remains in force regarding the software itself.


For various software you need to purchase a user's license to continue to use the software after your evaluation trial period has expired. All prices shown below are for a single user copy in US Dollars.

Purchase can be made online with a credit card or by a purchase order. Send an e-mail for if you have any questions.

Your Registrations

Software Registration

This page allows you to register your purchased software product licenses on your computers. It also allows you to review and manage your registrations. Since 2023, it is required that all application software products use this online registration form to register passwords, as explained in this FAQ.